Women Talk Travel informative chat |
Thanks to the lovely ladies who braved the elements for our first
L&A Women Talking Travel - Ellena won the great travel basket
donated by Debbie
Maritime Travel Napanee and Debbie Lloyd led the chat on travel tips & destinations.
My fav 5 tips;
1. Take a photocopy of your passport
2. Take Ziplock bags, they have 101 uses
meet Debbie Lloyd and share travel tips |
3. Mix your packing between 2 bags (trade an outfit with a friend)
4. Plan to live out of your carry on bag for 24 hrs if your luggage gets lost
5. Packing cubes can organize suitcases or backpacks & save space.
Overall - plan to travel & connect with people who can make it happen! thanks again for the gift basket from Debbie @ Maritime Travel and attendies also received 50 Sand'n'Sea Loyalty Points!
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