There is no doubt about it, the hottest
colour of Summer'10 is turquoise. Said to evoke images of relaxing, tropical waters, an escape from the everyday, and the colour of healing. Turquoise is flattering to most skin tones, and enjoyed by both sexes.
You will always see swimsuits of every colour as you stroll down the beach, so pick your favorite shade when shopping - but don't be shy to try out one of the many shades of turquoise.
While the hot colour of the year will change, you will continue to see a lot of turquoise available in the new styles arriving in the shop this month.
Turquoise adds a splash of excitement to neutrals and browns, complements reds and pinks, creates a classic maritime look with deep blues, livens up all other greens, and is especially trend-setting with yellow-greens
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